

How would you like to know about a highly effective, non-toxic treatment for cancer that has been in use for 50 years? This is not something you will hear about in traditional cancer centers or by conventional doctors. However, high-dose intravenous vitamin C (IVC) is a powerhouse in the integrative cancer treatment world. It has so many benefits that it is recommended to almost every cancer patient by naturopathic doctors. 

It is well known that cancer patients are often very deficient in vitamin C. In fact, cancer symptoms often mimic those of scurvy, which is caused by severe vitamin C deficiency. 

Cancer patients have increased oxidative stress and inflammation. This increases the utilization of vitamin C in the body, rapidly depleting it. Research has shown that cancer patients are diagnosed with scurvy at a rate more than 10 times greater than non-cancer patients! 

In this post, I will tell you about the amazing benefits of IVC and why you should consider adding this to your protocol. Stay to the end for an amazing testimonial on the power of IVC from a woman who had aggressive grade 3/stage 4b endometrial cancer and was given a 1% chance of survival. 


The earliest use of both oral and IVC specifically for cancer treatment was in the 1970s. Doctors Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling (two time Nobel prize winner) teamed up and published a study of 100 terminal cancer patients treated with IVC and oral vitamin C vs. 1000 control patients that had not been treated with vitamin C. In that study, they demonstrated that the IVC patients had a 4-fold increase in survival time and improved quality of life compared to controls. 

Unfortunately, not long after that paper came out, Mayo Clinic tried to reproduce those results with carefully planned randomized controlled trials. They were unable to achieve the same results, creating a lot of controversy. However, the Mayo clinical trials only used oral vitamin C, not intravenous and oral vitamin C, as Cameron and Pauling had done. They also stopped their study after 2 1/2 months instead of continuing it long-term (up to 12 years) as the former researchers had done. The differences in the routes of administration would prove to be extremely important later. The damage was done though and the use of IVC as a treatment for cancer was discarded in the conventional medicine world. 

When studies by doctors Mark Levine and Hugh Riordan came out in the early 2000s, they demonstrated that it is impossible to achieve the high plasma levels of vitamin C necessary for anti-tumor effects via the oral route. Read More

After this, IVC studies began again and they quickly demonstrated how beneficial this treatment really was for cancer patients. By 2020, there were a dozen ongoing clinical trials exploring the safety and efficacy of IVC for the treatment of various cancers. 


  • Intravenous vitamin C refers to the direct infusion of high-doses of vitamin C into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. In this way, much higher concentrations of vitamin C are delivered to the body than are possible via oral supplementation. 
  • Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid or ascorbate, is an essential water-soluble vitamin that we cannot produce in our bodies. We have to get it from our diet or supplementation. However, when taken orally, the plasma level of vitamin C is tightly controlled by the body via multiple mechanisms. In fact, at doses higher than 1 gram per day, only 50% is absorbed. The excess is filtered out by the kidneys and excreted in the urine.
  • In one study they gave patients 10 grams of oral vitamin C. Peak plasma levels achieved were 200µM (micromoles). By contrast, the same 10 gram dose given intravenously achieved peak plasma levels of 6 mM (millimoles), nearly 25 times higher.
  • Another problem with oral supplementation is that high doses of oral vitamin C often cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal upset. We just can’t get high enough levels to fight cancer via this route.


Here are 3 major ways IVC beats cancer. 


  • Oral vitamin C is a well known anti-oxidant. At the high doses achieved by IVC, it becomes a pro-oxidant, meaning it can exert direct cytotoxic (cell killing) effects on cancer cells, without damaging healthy cells. 
  • High concentrations of ascorbate generate hydrogen peroxide in the tissues. Cancer cells contain more Fe2+ (ferrous iron) than normal cells. Fe2+ reacts with hydrogen peroxide to form damaging hydroxyl radicals. These hydroxyl radicals directly damage the DNA, protein and lipids in cancer cells leading to cell death.
  • Cancer cells have a higher metabolic rate than normal cells and they rely on aerobic glycolysis for fuel. Hydrogen peroxide decreases glycolysis and thereby depletes cancer cells of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the main source of energy and is critical for carrying out multiple functions in the cell. Without ATP, cancer cells will die.
  • Hydrogen peroxide accumulates in higher concentrations in tumors than in the surrounding normal tissues. Cancer cells have high levels of oxidative stress and an abundance of defective mitochondria, making them more susceptible to hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. In several studies, the exposure of cancer cells to hydrogen peroxide for <30 minutes resulted in cell death. 
  • Normal healthy cells are not damaged by these processes. Normal cells contain an enzyme called catalase, which neutralizes hydrogen peroxide, breaking it back down to water and oxygen. Catalase is very deficient or even missing in cancer cells. 
  • Another mechanism of IVC cytotoxicity is through the inhibition of MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT pathways and mTOR. In fact, it has been shown that IVC may be a promising alternative to kinase inhibitors. By inhibiting these pathways, cancer cells cannot divide and grow. 


  • Multiple studies have shown that IVC given along with chemotherapy has many beneficial actions. These include improving the function of the immune system, tissue repair, reducing side effects and detoxification. 
  • When used with chemotherapy, IVC may eradicate cancer stem cells! Cancer stem cells are often resistant to chemotherapy and responsible for the dreaded recurrences and metastasis. Read More
  • Vitamin C has been shown to increase the tumoricidal actions of cisplatin, paclitaxel, doxorubicin, gemcitabine and other chemotherapy agents in cell cultures and in human clinical trials. It reduces the general toxicity and cardiotoxicity of adriamycin, with no reduction in the anti-tumor activity of the drug. 
  • Research has also demonstrated that IVC reduces white blood cell loss, weight loss, ascites (fluid) accumulation, and liver and heart toxicities induced by chemotherapy. Another major benefit of IVC with chemo is the reduction of side effects, including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, pain, brain fog and more.  Read More
  • Here is a report showing how IVC significantly reduced the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation and improved quality of life for breast cancer patients with no side effects. Read More
  • In this mouse model they found that IVC killed colorectal cancer cells that carried the KRAS mutation, which is so difficult to treat. Many women with uterine cancer have the KRAS mutation. Read More
  • Pre-clinical studies have shown a synergistic or enhanced effect of IVC with other cancer treatments, including kinase inhibitors, estrogen and HER2 inhibitors and PARP inhibitors. 

Here are some case studies:

  • High-dose IV vitamin C plus chemotherapy found to double survival time in advanced pancreatic cancer. Read More
  • The use of antioxidants with first-line chemotherapy in two cases of ovarian cancer. Read More
  • Intravenously administered vitamin C as cancer therapy: three cases. Read More


  • The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a network composed of multiple different molecules surrounding cells in all tissues and organs. The ECM is the most abundant component in the tumor microenvironment and collagen makes up the scaffold. Cancer stem cells can remain dormant and hide in this extracellular matrix, eventually leading to cancer recurrence and metastasis. 
  • Collagen degradation is a prerequisite for tumor invasion and matrix metalloproteinases and hyaluronic acid play key roles in this. As the ECM undergoes remodeling, this promotes tumor infiltration, angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation), invasion and migration of the cancer cells. 
  • Vitamin C can inhibit the degradation and remodeling of the ECM, thereby preventing metastasis, invasion, angiogenesis and migration of cancer stem cells. IVC strengthens the ECM through several mechanisms, including regulation of collagen synthesis and reducing the levels of matrix metalloproteinases and hyaluronic acid.


IVC has many other benefits with little to no toxicity. 

  • It boosts the immune system, fights viruses and bacterial infections, removes toxic metals and protects healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals. 
  • It has been used effectively in the treatment and prevention of diabetes, the common cold, cataracts, stroke, heart disease, COVID-19 and more. 
  • IVC relieves pain and has a significant positive impact on patient well-being.  
  • It reduces inflammation and is even being used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It strengthens and builds collagen and increases bone mineral density, which helps heal damaged tissues and osteoporosis.


  • IVC will not be something your regular doctors will prescribe or administer. This has to be done in an integrative cancer center or by naturopathic doctors or practitioners. There are many places that offer this therapy, you just have to search your area. 
  • IVC will not be covered by insurance and it is expensive, but I would encourage you to look into it.
  • A specific blood test will be done first to make sure you are safe to receive IVC. This is the G6PD test. This test measures the amount of an enzyme, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, in your red blood cells. Deficiencies in G6PD can lead to hemolytic anemia (rupture of red blood cells), which can be triggered by IVC. Make sure to get this test done before starting IVC. 
  • IVC may not be recommended for people with kidney disease. 
  • Some tumors produce high amounts of catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide, thereby neutralizing the cancer-killing effects of IVC. In order to combat this, some doctors will add vitamin K3 to the IVC to enable the production of much higher amounts of hydrogen peroxide. K3 is a synthetic form of vitamins K1 and K2. 
  • Doctors will test your blood glucose before and after IVC treatment. This is to determine what dose is best for you. They will always start low and work up. The goal is to reach a certain level of blood glucose, which means you have adequate levels of IVC in your body to treat cancer. I started at 30 grams and worked up to 75 grams based on my testing. 
  • IVC infusions are done over 1-2 hours through an intravenous catheter or through a port if you have one. Make sure to take it easy after the infusions for the rest of the day, although you will probably feel better and want to do things! 


I saved the best for last. Teresa Scott has graciously offered to share her story with all of you on how IVC saved her life.

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