In this post I will be discussing more supplements that are very beneficial for healing from uterine, also called endometrial, cancer. Please read part one HERE, if you haven’t already. These supplements, berberine, quercetin and fish oil have many beneficial effects. Make sure to read about the best ways to supplement these for the most effectiveness.
A plant alkaloid from the Berberis genus of plants, including the Coptic chinensus plant, berberine has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for 2000 years. It has a wide range of beneficial effects. These include anti-diabetic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypercholesterolemia, anti-microbial, antioxidant and best of all anti-cancer!
- By modulating the PI3K/Akt/mTor pathway, berberine Inhibits cell proliferation and metastasis and induces apoptosis of cancer cells Read More
- Sensitizes endometrial cancer cells to the chemotherapy drug, Paclitaxel (Taxol)
- Inhibits the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway, which is often related to mutations in the KRAS gene and leads to more aggressive tumors
- It inhibits inflammatory mediators like IL-6, TNF-⍺ and COX-2 production and expression
- By down-regulating COX-2, berberine regulates tumor growth and metastasis Read More
- It also acts on the Wnt/β-Catenin pathway, which is involved with tumor growth, invasion and metastasis Read More
- It suppresses epithelial to mesenchymal transformation, a process where tumor cells develop stem cell properties, which leads to tumor progression and resistance to treatments Read More
- Acts as a tumor suppressor
- Reduces the expression of key genes involved in metastasis called metalloproteinases
In addition to the direct anti-cancer benefits of berberine, it also has some indirect mechanisms against endometrial cancer
- Berberine has been scientifically shown to reduce blood glucose in diabetics as effectively as the drug metformin, without any side effects Read More
- By lowering blood glucose you stop feeding the cancer cells, which preferentially rely on glucose for fuel. See my post on the best diet for uterine cancer for more information on this
- Endometrial cancer risk factors are diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic syndrome. All of these are linked through hyperglycemia (elevated blood glucose), inflammation and abnormal lipids, specifically, elevated triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol. Taking berberine can help reverse all of these problems! Read More
- Berberine is also known to reduce blood pressure. By lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure, berberine has proven heart health benefits
- In one study of 32 patients, not on any lipid lowering therapies, they found that supplementing berberine at 500mg twice a day for 3 months significantly lowered LDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol from baseline Read More
- In one study obese subjects were given 500mg of berberine three times a day for 12 weeks. Not only did this significantly lower their total cholesterol and triglycerides, but the subjects on average experienced a five pound weight loss
Berberine is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is rapidly metabolized by the liver and the intestines and eliminated before it has a chance to circulate effectively through the body
Berberine also interacts with certain efflux transporters in the intestines, which then actively pump berberine out of the cells limiting its absorption into the bloodstream
- Taking curcumin and berberine together may increase its bioavailability. Curcumin is known to enhance the absorption of certain compounds. Not only that, but in this study they showed that curcumin and berberine together had a marked growth inhibitory effect on estrogen positive and triple negative breast cancer cell lines through various mechanisms Read More
- Liposomal or nanoparticle encapsulated formulations of berberine can help it pass through the gut lining and into the bloodstream more efficiently
- Extended release formulations allow for maintaining therapeutic levels of berberine in the bloodstream for longer periods of time. These formulations may also reduce potential for gastrointestinal side effects
- Using quercetin and berberine together may also improve absorption
- Taking berberine with a healthy fat like avocado, olive oil or coconut oil can improve its absorption in the intestines
- Both berberine and curcumin formulations that include piperine, a black pepper extract, have been shown to have improved absorption
I would recommend taking 500mg of berberine 2-3 times per day about 30 minutes before a meal, but with a little fat like coconut oil. Here are two good brands Integrative Therapeutics Berberine MCS Formulas Berberine
Use caution if you are taking any anti-diabetic medications such as insulin or metformin as berberine can lower blood glucose. Also, if you are on blood pressure lowering medication, make sure to monitor this closely as berberine can lower blood pressure too
As always it is important to discuss supplements with your doctor. Ideally you will be working with a naturopathic doctor to help guide you as to what supplements to use and how much to take
Quercetin is a flavonoid. Flavonoids are plant pigments found in many fruits, vegetables and other plants. Flavonoids have many medicinal properties, including anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer. Here are some of the beneficial effects of quercetin against cancer and why you should consider supplementing this
- Neutralizes free radicals and reduces oxidative stress, which can prevent cancer proliferation
- Inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis of endometrial cancer cells
- Can down regulate the PIK3/Akt, MAPK and Wnt β-Catenin signaling pathways
- Modulation of estrogen receptors, which play a big role in endometrial cancer progression
- Can target specific molecular signaling through VEGF and EGFR pathways, which promote cancer metastasis and growth
- Has limited effects on normal cells, only targets cancerous cells
- A powerful anti-inflammatory, it inhibits inflammatory enzymes like cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) and reduces other pro-inflammatory mediators, thereby slowing cancer progression
- Represses angiogenesis so tumors cannot form new blood vessels and grow larger
- Suppresses the stem-like properties of endometrial cancer cells and decreases their invasive potential
- May help inhibit the malignant characteristics of endometrial cancer by targeting cancer stem cells
- May up regulate p53, which is an important tumor suppressor gene. It helps prevent tumors by repairing damaged DNA and causing abnormal cells to self-destruct Read More
- Reduces Ki67. Ki67 is a protein found in the nuclei of cells that are dividing. It is used as a marker to measure how quickly cancer cells are proliferating. A high Ki67 level means many malignant cells are dividing quickly and the cancer is likely to grow and spread so a lower level is a good thing
Here is a paper on the benefits of quercetin for ovarian and other gynecologic cancers Read More
- Helps stabilize cells that release histamine in the body which cause allergic reactions, reducing symptoms of allergies
- Reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels and improves endothelial function (the lining of blood vessels) to prevent and treat heart disease
- Has strong anti-bacterial activity against Helicobacter pylori, E.coli, Pseudomonas and even resistant bacteria like MRSA!
- Promotes beta cell regulation in the pancreas and normalizes blood glucose aiding in the treatment of diabetes
- It is a more powerful antioxidant than vitamins C and E
- Potent anti-viral properties against flu, Epstein-barre virus and even HIV.
- Here is a paper about the multiple health benefits of quercetin Read More
- Like the other supplements I have been discussing, quercetin has poor bioavailability when taken orally making it hard to get therapeutic levels in the blood stream
- Liposomal or nanoparticle formulations may improve this
- Taking quercetin with a fatty meal will improve absorption
- Adding vitamin C, folate or bromelain to the formulation can also improve bioavailability
- Foods high in quercetin include onions, capers, kale, fennel leaves, cilantro and shallots
- Ideally you want to take 500mg to 1000mg per day in divided doses
Here is a good Quercetin supplement to take which also has vitamin C and another one with turmeric Quercetin Synergy
I saved the best for last. Fish oil is probably one of the best supplements you can take along with Melatonin and Vitamin D for improving your health and beating cancer. There is overwhelming evidence of its protective effects against many different cancers including endometrial cancer
What makes fish oil so special?
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are polyunsaturated nutrients we need, but can’t produce in our bodies, they have to come from our diet. EFAs have many biological functions including maintaining cell membranes, providing energy, reducing inflammation and they are involved in eye, heart, nervous system and skin health and much more
The two main types of EFAs are Omega 6 and Omega 3
- The three main omega-3 fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
- ALA is found mainly in oils from plants such as flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans and chia seeds
- EPA and DHA are found in fish and seafoods
Fish oil is a much better source of omega-3s because it naturally contains high levels of EPA and DHA, which the body can use directly. Plant based sources like flaxseed primarily contain ALA, which needs to be converted into EPA and DHA by the body
Studies have shown that the conversion of plant fatty acids (ALA) to EPA and DHA is very poor and inefficient in humans. In one study, ALA to DHA conversion was only 0.05% and ALA to EPA was 0.2%. In another study, women supplementing with flaxseed oil did not increase their levels of DHA
- The two main omega-6 fatty acids are Linoleic acid (LA) and Arachidonic acid (AA)
- LA mainly comes from seed oils (corn, canola, safflower, peanut) and also from walnuts, pecans and almonds
- AA mainly comes from meat, fish, eggs and dairy
While we need both omega 6s and 3s, the ratio is very important. The ideal ratio for the most health benefits, including anticancer effects is 1:1 or 1:2
The typical American diet has 14-25 times more omega 6s than omega 3s, with an average ratio of 20:1!!! The main reason for this is the excessive consumption of processed vegetable oils like corn, soybean and safflower oil, which are found in almost all processed foods
- High levels of omega 6 can activate signaling pathways that lead to cancer progression
- An elevated 6:3 ratio contributes to increased inflammation and risks for cardiovascular diseases and cancer Read More
- This study showed an increasing omega 6:3 ratio with our Western diet has been directly linked to increasing obesity and inflammation in the body Read More
- Cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes are now responsible for 80% of disease related deaths in the United States. Along with the increased rates of these diseases have come the increased amounts of omega 6 in our diet, mainly from processed foods containing seed oils
- Evolutionarily speaking, we never had omega 6:3 ratios this skewed towards omega 6 and it is creating disease Read More
- Arachidonic acid (AA) and Linoleic Acid (LA), the omega 6s, share the same enzymes that convert ALA into EPA and DHA (omega 3s). When the omega 6s are much higher, they compete with ALA and the conversion to beneficial omega 3 fatty acids goes way down
We definitely want more readily available omega 3s in our diet, namely EPA and DHA and the best way to get these is with fish and fish oil supplements!
- Fish oil is a potent anti-inflammatory. It has been shown to reduce inflammatory cytokines like TNF-⍺, IL-6 and IL1β and reduce the activity of COX2
- By reducing the activity of COX2, it decreases the synthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins. Inflammation is known to promote cancer growth and spread so suppressing this is very important
- It significantly lowers C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the body
- May suppress the formation of tumors caused by PTEN mutations. PTEN is a tumor suppressor gene that is mutated in 40-80% of cases of endometrial cancer. Mutations in this gene are associated with a high incidence of endometrial cancer. In this study they found that having higher levels of omega 3s in mice with PTEN deficiency, suppressed the formation of endometrial cancer Read More
- PTEN mutations can directly activate the PI3K-AKT signaling pathway, which is a major cause of endometrial cancer cell proliferation and spread. Fish oil strongly suppresses or even blocks the PI3K-AKT activation caused by PTEN deficiency and promotes apoptosis of cancer cells
- By reducing levels of HER2, EGFR and IGF1 and blocking the PI3K-AKT pathway, fish oil can suppress the growth and metastasis of cancer
- In this study, supplementation with fish oil in breast cancer patients significantly decreased levels of Ki67 (a marker of cancer cell proliferation) and VEGF (associated with increased angiogenesis and tumor growth). They also had improved overall survival and progression free survival Read More
- Fish oil can suppress the mTOR signaling pathway, which plays a role in cancer cell proliferation and transformation of normal cells into malignant cells Read More
- In this study they found that higher intakes of EPA and DHA were significantly associated with a lower risk of developing endometrial cancer Read More
- Can slow the progression of neuropathy, which is a very common side effect of chemotherapy. In some cases it can even reverse it. It also promotes neuron outgrowth and nerve repair Read More
- Fish oil is anti-thrombotic, meaning it helps prevent blood clots. Blood clots are a frequent complication of endometrial cancer patients. One study found that 9.8-57.1% of endometrial cancer patients experienced deep vein thrombosis during or after surgery. Overall 5-25% of cancer patients develop blood clots so preventing this is essential
- In this study of colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, those taking 2g/day of fish oil supplements had a significantly longer time to progression (593 days vs 330 days) than those patients not supplementing with fish oil Read More
- Fish oil can sensitize cancer tissues, but not normal tissues, to chemotherapy drugs and enhance their cytotoxicity shown in animal models and cancer cell lines Read More
- In this retrospective analysis, omega 3s from fish oil were shown to increase protein build up and reduce protein breakdown, which is important for patients with sarcopenia (muscle wasting) and cachexia. It also helped with weight loss and improvement of insulin sensitivity in obese patients Read More
- Flaxseed oil supplementation in mice with estrogen receptor positive human breast tumors reduced tumor size, tumor cell proliferation and increased apoptosis of tumor cells via various mechanisms Read More
In addition fish oil is very heart healthy, it can improve liver and pancreas function, improve immune function, reduce post-operative complications from surgery and much more. The bottom line is to get more omega 3s in the form of EPA and DHA from fish, seafood and fish oil supplements into your diet and reduce the Omega 6s from seed oils
- The best food sources of fish oil come from sardines, salmon, anchovies, herring and other fatty cold water fish. Avoid large fish that may contain high amounts of mercury like tuna, mackerel and swordfish
- Look for supplements from smaller fish that are wild caught with high amounts of EPA and DHA
- Make sure it has third-party certification from a reputable laboratory and consider a pharmaceutical-grade supplement from a reputable brand
- Check the date and smell to make sure it is not expired or rancid
- I store my fish oil in the fridge to keep it from getting rancid or losing potency
Here is an excellent fish oil supplement recommended by my naturopathic doctor
Sending prayers and blessings for your continued health and well being 🙂
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7