
In this post I will be telling you all about ivermectin and how it can be very beneficial for treating cancer. Many of us became aware of this drug during the covid-19 pandemic, but ivermectin has been in use as an anti-parasitic drug for humans and animals since it was first developed in the late 1970s. Now they are finding many different uses for ivermectin including as an anti-cancer drug. Please stay to the end where I will be sharing some very valuable information you don’t want to miss. 


Ivermectin is a macrocyclic lactone produced by a soil bacteria called Streptomyces avermitilis. A researcher from Japan, in collaboration with Merck pharmaceutical company, first discovered and produced ivermectin in the late 1970s for treating parasites in animals. It was found to be a safe, non-toxic drug with potent effects against many different parasites in the veterinary world. As a veterinarian, I remember when ivermectin, under the brand name Heartgard℞ , first came out as an effective preventative for heartworm disease in dogs. 

Through more research they found ivermectin to be very effective in humans for many different parasites including a parasite that caused blindness. Once it was registered for human use in 1987, Merck started donating ivermectin to third world impoverished countries to combat these terrible parasitic infections. The scientists who first discovered and developed ivermectin went on to win the Nobel prize for this discovery. Along with penicillin and aspirin, ivermectin has been called a wonder drug for the significant beneficial impact it has had for animals and humans around the world. 


Besides its effectiveness against parasites (and covid-19 although “they” will tell you it isn’t), there is a tremendous body of research, mainly using cell cultures and mouse models, that shows ivermectin can successfully treat cancer through multiple mechanisms. There are also human case reports and case series and plenty of anecdotal evidence that shows ivermectin can treat cancer. So why aren’t there any human studies and trials going on? 

Cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry. For every cancer patient, the pharmaceutical companies make millions of dollars. Let’s face it, drug companies are not interested in finding a cure for cancer or in our health, they are interested in money and profits. We live in a cycle of “forever sick care.” The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and pharmaceutical companies don’t want us knowing this information so they suppress and censor and even smear the use of ivermectin for treating cancer and covid-19.  

There are many doctors who have been fined or worse, stripped of their licenses when they tried to spread the word about this life-saving drug, even though ivermectin is safer than Tylenol and Advil! 

The company who developed ivermectin, Merck, no longer has a patent on the drug and they will not make any money on trying to study it for its benefits against cancer. Not only that, but Merck is now in a partnership with Moderna (who developed a covid-19 vaccine) trying to develop an mRNA cancer vaccine that will be worth $100s of thousands of dollars per treatment. It is in phase 2 and 3 clinical trials now. I won’t go into the big concerns about this new mRNA technology here, but it may not be safe. They don’t want to bother with a safe, non-toxic, inexpensive drug that has been used in humans for decades for a variety of conditions. Read More

Ok, enough on that, but I hope you get the picture here. Repurposed drugs like ivermectin can help you. Science is showing this, but pharmaceutical companies, the FDA and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) would not like you to know this.    


  • First and foremost, it targets cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are what lead to drug resistance and metastasis
  • Ivermectin selectively inhibits proliferation of tumors at doses that are not toxic to normal cells 
  • Promotes oxidative stress in cancer cells by increasing the generation of reactive oxygen species within the cells leading to cell death
  • Inhibits angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels by tumors, thereby stopping their growth 
  • PAK1, a protein kinase, is essential for the growth of >70% of all human cancers. Ivermectin inhibits PAK1. In cell cultures, this led to tumor cell death of ovarian cancer cell lines
  • Stimulates apoptosis (programmed cell death) and autophagy (self-destruction) of cancer cells 
  • Induces cell cycle arrest of many different cancer types 
  • Suppresses the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway, thereby inhibiting tumor growth
  • Beneficial when used with cancer immunotherapy, by inducing immunogenic cancer cell death and T cell infiltration into “cold” tumors 
  • Powerful anti-inflammatory
  • Reverses multi-drug resistance and kills and inhibits cancer cells resistant to chemotherapy
  • May help to heal peripheral neuropathy, so common after cancer treatments
  • Sensitizes cancer cells to radiation therapy
  • Powerful effects when combined with chemotherapy and other targeted drugs. It increases the effectiveness of these drugs
  • Inhibits matrix metalloproteinases, which are enzymes that allow cancer cells to detach from the tumor and metastasize
  • Exemplary safety record. Has been used by millions of people over many decades. Has even been shown to be safe in children 


  • Antiviral: Effective against covid-19, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, HIV, HPV
  • Antiparasitic: Treats all kinds of internal and external parasites in humans. Many of us have internal parasites, but we may not know it. They are very hard to test for. This is another benefit of ivermectin and one reason I have personally used it besides cancer. 
  • Studies are finding ivermectin may be effective against autoimmune diseases
  • In diabetic mice, ivermectin reduced serum glucose and cholesterol levels and improved insulin sensitivity
  • Has been used topically to treat severe acne, rosacea, eczema and other inflammatory skin diseases 


As you can see by this list of references, there are a lot of studies on the many benefits of the wonder drug ivermectin beyond being an anti-parasitic. I found many more, but didn’t want to overwhelm you. 

  1. Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stem-like cells  Read More
  2. The anti-parasitic agent ivermectin induces chloride-dependent membrane hyper polarization and cell death in leukemia cells  Read More
  3. Anthelmintic drug ivermectin inhibits angiogenesis, growth and survival of glioblastoma through inducing mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress  Read More
  4. Ivermectin inhibits the growth of glioma cells by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in vitro and in vivo  Read More
  5. Ivermectin induces cell cycle  arrest and caspase-dependent apoptosis in human urothelial carcinoma cells  Read More
  6. Antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically feasible concentrations support its clinical development as a repositioned cancer drug  Read More
  7. Ivermectin augments the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of cisplatin in epithelial ovarian cancer by suppressing Akt/mTOR signaling  Read More
  8. Ivermectin converts cold tumors hot and synergizes with immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of breast cancer  Read More
  9. Over 25 years of clinical experience with ivermectin: An overview of safety for an increasing number of indications  Read More
  10. Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug  Read More
  11. Repurposing ivermectin to augment chemotherapy’s efficacy in osteosarcoma  Read More
  12. Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug with a potential beyond anti-parasitic therapy  Read More
  13. Ivermectin promotes peripheral nerve regeneration during wound healing  Read More
  14. Safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of escalating high doses of ivermectin in healthy adult subjects  Read More
  15. Ivermectin reverses the drug resistance in cancer cells through EGFR/ERK/Akt/NF-kB pathway  Read More


Ivermectin is known as a very safe, non-toxic drug with decades of established use. It has a wide range of dosing from 0.15 mg/kg to 2 mg/kg in humans with minimal adverse effects. In one study, they used ivermectin at 10x the highest approved dose by the FDA in healthy subjects with no central nervous system toxicity. 

The half-life of ivermectin is 18 hours. This means it takes about 18 hours for the amount of ivermectin in your body to reduce by half. This is another reason why ivermectin is so safe, it doesn’t stay in your body very long. 

The most common side effects are headache, itchy skin, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and constipation. 

Rare, serious side effects are joint swelling and pain, low blood pressure, liver problems and seizures. 

Although ivermectin is very, very safe, make sure to do your own research and discuss the use of ivermectin with your doctors before taking it. It will be important to know about any drug interactions if you are taking other medications and about other side effects that may occur.


Ivermectin comes in tablet and liquid form for human use. The tablets are 3mg, 6mg, 9mg and 12mg, which is what most adults use. The liquid form is usually for children. There are also topical creams.

Please do not use veterinary ivermectin, such as horse dewormers! It is impossible to dose correctly and has other ingredients that you don’t want in your body. 

It is best to take ivermectin on an empty stomach. After taking it, wait at least 2 hours before eating a meal. I usually take it at night before bed. 


Dr. William Makis and many others in a recent educational article (see reference below) developed an ivermectin dosing strategy for cancer. This was based on many research studies on safe and effective doses in the literature and on their clinical experience.

Dr. Makis treats hundreds of cancer patients, many with advanced, recurrent, stage 4 disease. Please note, they are not using ivermectin as a sole agent to treat cancer. There are many other naturopathic therapies and supplements that they use. Ivermectin at these doses is part of a complete regimen. 

Remember, I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. I am merely a messenger passing along information that may help you.  

Low-Grade Cancers

0.5 mg/kg 3 times per week

This dose is for cancers in remission where there may be a strong family history or genetic predisposition to getting cancer.

Intermediate-Grade Cancers

1 mg/kg 3 times per week

This is the most common starting dose for most cancers.

High-Grade Cancers

1 mg/kg – 2 mg/kg per day

This dose is for aggressive cancers that have recurred or metastasized.

Very High Dose

2.5 mg/kg or higher is only used for cancers with extensive metastasis and a very poor prognosis. There may be short-term and transient visual side effects.

All of these doses have been established as tolerable for humans. Read More

Below is a link to the paper I reference above. In this article, these doctors are sharing an anti-cancer protocol that they are using for their patients. Many of these things you already know about from reading this blog. It is a very targeted approach to what they believe are the main causes of cancer growth and spread. I hope you find this information as valuable as I have.

I caution you to be careful who you share this information with. We do not want to have any doctors censored, fined or lose their licenses by sharing this valuable information with the wrong people. I also don’t want to have my blog censored! Thank you for your consideration of this. 

Targeting the Mitochondrial-Stem Cell Connection in Cancer Treatment: A Hybrid Orthomolecular Protocol  Read More


Today I want to give you some ways to improve your sleep. Sleep is so important for healing and most of us are chronically stressed out, staying up way too late and not sleeping through the night. Before my diagnosis I had severe, chronic insomnia. I know it is part of what contributed to my illness. 

On average, we should be getting a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night and 8-9 hours is ideal. Your body and mind need to rest and reset! Here are some tips to help you get better sleep. I have done all of these and my sleep is much better. 

  • Invest in blackout curtains if you don’t already have them. Keeping your room very, very dark is important for sleep. I even put black tape over the LED light in my smoke detector! Avoid the use of night lights. If you have to use a night light, purchase one that is red, not glaring white and try not to have it in your bedroom. Trust me this works.  Red Night Light I use.
  • Keep your bedroom cool or even cold. Ideally you want the room temperature to be between 65-68 degrees fahrenheit for good sleep. 
  • Turn off electronics at least an hour before bed. Do not keep your phone by the bed or if you have to, turn it upside down so there is no light pollution. Turn on the “do not disturb” setting. 
  • Do not watch TV in bed. I don’t have any electronics in my bedroom. If I am wide awake, I will read a book to help me relax. Note, this does not mean using a Kindle reader, remember no electronics!  
  • If you have to use an alarm, try to use one that has gentle music to wake up to instead of loud jarring sounds.
  • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. If you are tired, go to bed. Don’t force yourself to stay up because you think you should be going to bed later. People would be shocked to know I often go to bed at 7:30pm! I have found that if I force myself to stay awake, when I finally go to bed I can’t sleep. It’s better to listen to your body and follow your natural circadian rhythm. 
  • Avoid any caffeine or other stimulants by early afternoon. You may not think it is affecting you, but it could. 

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